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The Downtown Cluster of Congregations condemns the Violence and calls for a Cease fire between Hamas and Israel

The Downtown Cluster of Congregations condemns the tragic violence committed by Hamas taking the lives of innocent people, separating families, and the uprooting of lives that has occurred. It also stresses the need for action to avert a humanitarian crisis in Gaa and ensure the protection and proper care of the Palestinians.

"There is never justification for violence that takes the lives of innocent people," says Terry Lynch, Executive Director. "Hostages should be released and an immediate cease fire occur to stop the humanitarian crisis. Our prayers and thoughts are with the thousands of victims of the violence, those who are held hostage and their families."

Welcome to the website of the Downtown Cluster of Congregations.  The Downtown Cluster is a non-profit, ecumenical association founded in 1972 for the purpose of cooperatively meeting pressing human service needs in the District of Columbia.

The Downtown Cluster of Congregation's founded a community loan fund, Washington Area Community Investment Fund (Wacif). We are currently the largest single investor. Click Here for more information about Wacif.

Combined Federal Campaign Number: 45938
If you are a federal employee, postal worker or member of the U.S. military, please remember to give to us through your Combined Federal Campaign.

Member churches of the Downtown Cluster of Congregations
The Downtown Cluster of Congregation's efforts have increased ecumenical cooperation in the city and built bridges between community groups. It will continue to provide a religious witness in the nation's capital on issues of human needs as well as city-wide revitalization.



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